Kamis, 10 November 2011

The success of My Dreams and Becoming a Treasury Dealer

Since I work in the Bank Bali in 1995, this is where I began to recognize the foreign exchange and bank notes (foreign currency). Every day I have to answer the customer either through phone or come into the Bank Bali to a question, "how the U.S. dollar exchange rate today?" There also are asking customers in foreign exchange rates such as Singapore dollar, Japanese Yen, Malaysian Ringgit and others.

Because this work is part of my life, then the feeling of pleasure began to emerge in me to learn more about the world of foreign currencies and how bertransaksinya. Every day I began to see and recognize the foreign currency of a country that paid to the bank to exchange dollars or deposited to customers' accounts. There are also customers who buy or order foreign currency through our bank counters, so I am more familiar with foreign currency of each country.

Long story short after the economic crisis in 1998, where the dollar exchange rate of Rp. 16,000, and interest rates reached 60 percent, foreign currency transactions / American dollar bank notes kususnya increasingly crowded. I'm with friends who also happened to be coming from a bank in liquidation to establish the money changer and I bergabaung as treasury dealer staff.

In the treasury I began to recognize customers' buyers and sellers of dollars or other foreign currencies. Especially corporate customers who nearly every week there's a transaction needs dollars and foreign currencies. I increasingly enjoy and are interested to continue to develop marketing strategies to multiply network of corporate customers / companies. Because different companies almost every day either need foreign currency to pay debts, operational needs, obtain payment and others.

Almost every day I contacted my clients to provide information in foreign exchange rates today. Because this information is needed and help my customers to know when a good time to buy or sell the dollar. And this work was very helpful and pleasant customer or company, how glad they did not have an assistant who every day are always loyal to monitor exchange rate developments. So he is winning because it can know the exact moment when to take this important decision.

The peak of my success is to develop a company where I worked with the orientation on the success and high incomes. I continue to do the marketing strategy and also do the job as treasury dealer for a large transaction. National companies and foreign companies continue to come to my attention for more and improved the amount and the transaction.
Thanks be to God, I managed to do once the transaction is U.S.1,500,000, of a corporation to one of the largest national bank in jakarta.
I believe that this success was not because of my intelligence, but it all happened because of the help of God Almighty.

(mission maketreasury.com)

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